
Gandi Source Plugin

Latest: v2.0.0

The CloudQuery Gandi plugin pulls configuration out of Gandi resources and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination (e.g. PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more).


In order to fetch information from Gandi, cloudquery needs to be authenticated. An API key is required for authentication. Get your API key from Gandi's Account Settings Page (opens in a new tab).

Once you have your API key, you can store it as an environment variable:

export GANDI_API_KEY=<your_api_key>

(MacOS / Linux) or

set GANDI_API_KEY=<your_api_key>


Query Examples

Detect domain registrations that will expire soon

select fqdn, dates->>'registry_ends_at' as registry_ends_at, date_trunc('day', (dates->>'registry_ends_at')::timestamp - current_timestamp) as days_left from gandi_domains where ((dates->>'registry_ends_at')::timestamp - interval '90 day') < current_timestamp order by 1;

Get domains in Gandi LiveDNS

select fqdn, current, nameservers from gandi_domain_live_dns order by 1;

Get a list of glue records

select fqdn, name, ips from gandi_domain_glue_records order by 1, 2;

Get list of LiveDNS domains which don't have automatic snapshots enabled

select d.fqdn from gandi_livedns_domains d left join gandi_livedns_snapshots s on s.fqdn=d.fqdn and s.automatic where s.fqdn is null;

Inspect LiveDNS snapshots for a given domain

select count(1) as number_of_snapshots, max(created_at) as last_snapshot_at from gandi_livedns_snapshots where fqdn = '';